31 Jan 2013

I Expect Too Much From This

Alright, maybe I'm just tired, but I'm feeling a little bit touchy-feel-kinda-feel right now.

I want to be a good friend. I really do. And it's important to me cause I love them. All the girls. But then ever since I went into KMS and we went our separate ways, I just feel like I'm drifting further and further apart from them. I fully realize that it has been my fault for not contacting them and stuff, but what am I supposed to do (during my first sem) when my only source of internet is the slow KMS wifi? And I particularly care about money because I don't have much of it so I rarely text them.

But it made me feel guilty when they contacted me first, or texted me first. Because I seem to forget them. But I really don't, seriously. And it saddened me when they manage to have a get-together, tweet each other, and tell stories about each other. They get updated with each other's life and times, and here I am feeling excluded from all of that.

So I want to apologize. I am sorry if I didn't contact you guys and everything. I am sorry that I didn't know stuff. I'm sorry if I seemed like I didn't care, but seriously, I dislike the technology method of communicating. All the assignments are seriously making me busy and focused on studying that I didn't even thought of contacting you guys. I didn't even call home to say hi. And blame me when I finally did thought to contact, that I expected enthusiastic replies. Forgive me, seriously from expecting too much when I did so little.

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