1 Sept 2013


Just when I decided that 'Okay, no more of this crush-business for me, I'm going to focus on UK only', it happens again. But right now seriously I'm tired of all this business. 

Dear heart, why can't you stay still? Why is it that you just have to like a person - in a way that is more than just friends? Why can't you see that your future is still kinda unstable and you better jump on board in the common sense ship that you're still too young for this kind of thing. (Maybe not too young, one of my batch-mates got married last month.)

Dear heart, you know that I'm terrible at liking a person. I will not know how to act, what should I do or say, basically all that is basic in effective human communication. Some people just have the charm, you know. It's easy for them to like a person because that person will like them back but not me. I'm awful in this business. I'm not charming and I will feel awkward. And that, will not come up good towards another person.

Might as well end up getting an arranged marriage. Easy.