22 Dec 2012

Happy Birthday Miss Atiqa!

Alright, I know the title sounds cheesy, but hey- nothing's wrong with being cheesy with your own sister. Extra points if it's her birthday. 

your other birthday. no date though

So I shall dedicate this entire post to you, sis, because it's your 21st birthday. Oh God. How fast are we growing up? It feels like it was only yesterday that we are playing and quarrelling together in Miri. Ah, good old Miri. Our childhood town. 

Nurul Atiqa Askan (on the right) - 5 years old

Hey, remember how we used to play that 'cooking show' together. We will act out as if we're hosts of a cooking show. Both of us, Chef Eka and Chef Ana. Not to mention that all the episodes consist of us making instant noodles only. Both of us will jump from underneath the stove, talking to the invisible audience and the cameras in front of us that aren't there... I'm cringing in embarrassment right now just thinking about it. I must say that we have such creative minds hahaha.

Remember how mum used to buy us dresses and shoes (and even hats!) of the same colours and designs? We will wear them happily like people with no fashion sense at all. It's kinda cute when I think about it lol. Remember how we quarrelled over that purple hat? Let me just say that it really is MY hat and I even have pictures to prove it but you refuse to accept the fact that the blue one is yours. But look how much we care about that now.

Remember how you introduced that Running Man craze to me and Azeema? Both of us are caught in that web of doom forever now, thank you very much. Not to mention even lil' Aiman is getting addicted. Oh God.

the future doctor of Malaysia! ...I sound like a parent *cringe*

Remember how you won that Pertandingan Sajak and became the representative for Miri division? We're so proud of you at that time. The videos are still there, you know. 

Remember how you got mad at me and we didn't speak for nearly a week because I didn't help you with the chores. Boy, was I scared at that time. But my ego kept my head held high and how funny it is for me now because well, it really was my fault. But you're just plain scary when you're mad, sis. 

remember how you broke that table?
Remember Brunei? Remember Mr. Brown's coffee? Remember the journey by dad's car back and fro between Miri and Kuching? Remember how we used to stop at that one special stop-place-thingy and ate burgers?

Remember how you told me your password? The thought of it still tickles me hahaha

Remember how we used to talk about you and Azeema opening up Askan Clinic (yeah- cause our dad has the coolest name in the whole world) and both of you will watch me (as the host for Rasa Halal, reporting from Korea) and Aiman as the handsome professional football player, earning millions, from the TV? That.... was a fantastic dream. At least for me. It could be your future though. I'm praying for you.

awesome pic
So, last but not least, Happy 21st, sis :)

p.s. :- Remember how mum used to complain that you took too many pictures of other people and too little pictures of yourself? It really was hard for me to find a decent stand-alone picture of you. Blergh.

p.p.s :- now you should remember how hard it is for me to find all those pictures, and not to mention the Editing, the Uploading, the Typing, the Posting...

19 Dec 2012

Damai Beach Resort!

So I'd spent last weekend at Damai Beach Resort with my family. There's this Kastam Family Day thingy, which I just couldn't care about because I'm anti-social like that. I managed to escape from joining the games by cycling around the resort, which I believe is a ton more fun than the colouring contest that I'm supposed to do. Just thinking about it made me shiver in disbelief, and a whole pie of embarrassment. I had fun playing at the beach though. I believe that we're *this* close in persuading my mum to join us playing in the water. My dad is the real sport in this kind of thing, so he accompanied us while my mum was content watching us from afar.

Tried editing a digital photo using PSD for the first time

us siblings :)

Aiman just *had* to be annoying

Chinese food dinner at Fisherman's Catch

To my big sister in Alexandria right now, your presence there would have made our two-days-one-night trip complete.