16 Aug 2012


"Ala, kau pun bukannya baik sangat pun, nak nasihat-nasihat orang pulak!"

In my opinion, yes. That person who gave that advice IS a good person. Why?

First, nobody is perfect. So it is impossible to wait for a perfect person to come and give you advice. Be thankful that someone not perfect actually took the initiative to give an advice to you, in order for you to become a better person.

Second, the advisor actually had the courage to do amar makruf nahi mungkar, which is not just the thing that anyone can do. I can't do it all the time (and hopefully I can improve myself about this). Thus, I really do admire people that can commit to it in their life.

Third, if we compare a bad person that gives good advice to others and another bad person that influences others to do bad things, definitely the latter one is better, no? Even the iblis gave advices to us, umat Rasulullah so why can't you accept a good advice from a person just because he is a thief? Or maybe once a thief?

“The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.” 
(Daraqutni, Hasan) 

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