19 Dec 2012

Damai Beach Resort!

So I'd spent last weekend at Damai Beach Resort with my family. There's this Kastam Family Day thingy, which I just couldn't care about because I'm anti-social like that. I managed to escape from joining the games by cycling around the resort, which I believe is a ton more fun than the colouring contest that I'm supposed to do. Just thinking about it made me shiver in disbelief, and a whole pie of embarrassment. I had fun playing at the beach though. I believe that we're *this* close in persuading my mum to join us playing in the water. My dad is the real sport in this kind of thing, so he accompanied us while my mum was content watching us from afar.

Tried editing a digital photo using PSD for the first time

us siblings :)

Aiman just *had* to be annoying

Chinese food dinner at Fisherman's Catch

To my big sister in Alexandria right now, your presence there would have made our two-days-one-night trip complete.

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