27 Jan 2015

the day we discussed darwin


Without realising it, it had been four months since I first landed on this island of England. Within four months, a lot had happened and a lot of things had changed. But if there's one thing that I am absolutely sure about is how blessed I am day to day. 

Today while having a break outside of the lab I (accidentally) heard a group of students discussing about faith in God. Taking interest, I quietly eavesdroop while pretending to skim through the procedure of the experiment for that day. 

Basically, what one of them were saying was that how he believes that God did not care about him at all. "To care means to have feelings just like a human being and if God actually cares, then why there are suffering and all?" One of the girls (who is my lab partner) rebutted that "if God did not care then what is the point of Him to create beings?" 

He just shrugged and concluded that "we will never know". 

Obviously their debate lasts much longer than three sentences but listening in to them made me realise of how much a person needs God in his life as guidance. I remembered when my housemates and I with our kakak usrah discuss the theory of evolution by Darwin. What saddens us is everything is how they view religion and science as separate things when Islam shines during the Dark Ages for the West with all the discoveries in science and technology. It is a great example of how science and religion go hand in hand and how religion can answer the ethical issues faced by the current scientists nowadays. 

I'm a bit scared of discussing this issue as I realised that I lack so much in terms of knowledge about this. But this made me realise of how desperately we need a prominent figure to represent the Muslims in the science field to refute not just the Darwin theory, but also to show that we can contribute to the development of science of mankind while still believing in one true God.

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